Cultural Encounters is the official publication of The Institute for Cultural Engagement: New Wine, New Wineskins. Based in Portland, Oregon but writing with an eye to the church at local, national and global levels, we are a groundbreaking journal offering a biblically informed, Christ-centered trinitarian engagement with contemporary culture.
Our issues address a variety of themes such as religious pluralism, racialization, materialism, poverty, the increased urbanization of the world, the environment, cross-cultural contextualization, sexuality, genetic engineering, postmodernity, public discourse, politics, and more.
Contributors Include
Linda L. Belleville
Tony Campolo
Mae Elise Cannon
J. Kameron Carter
Peter J. Casarella
William T. Cavanaugh
J. Daryl Charles
Rodney Clapp
Peter Dodson
John R. Franke
Makoto Fujimura
Stanley J. Grenz
Stanley Hauerwas
George R. Hunsberger
Carolyn Custis James
Grant Macaskill
Bruce L. McCormack
Martin J. Medhurst
Donald Miller
Paul D. Molnar
Harold A. Netland
John M. Perkins
Soong-Chan Rah
Daniel Siedell
Andrea Smith
R. Kendall Soulen
John H. Walton
Stephen J. Webb